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Monday, May 28, 2012

[MLA-LIMA] Re: (ESS) Volcanoes (Reading Check)

1.I learned that volcanoes and teach us about the history of the earth and can tell us about the composition of the internal layers of earth.I also learned about the many types of lavas and the anatomy of the different types of volcanoes.I also learned the difference between magma and lava.
2.I did not understand mafic and felsic lava.
3.Lapilli are small chunks of pyroclastic rock that are spewed out of a volcano during it's eruption or explosion.
4.I think it is important to learn about this because volcanoes are very dangerous and not only are they dangerous so are their after-effects such as ash covering the air.
5.This information can be used in real life to observe dangerous or giant volcanoes,also know as super volcanoes,to make sure they do not explode randomly and kill millions of innocent people.
6.The volcanoes were awesome to learn about and I loved all of the explosions and  lava but it wasn't as fun to learn about the actual insides of the volcanoes.

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